Selected Services 

Topic Editor: 

  1. Atmosphere (ISSN 2073-4433),
  2. Earth (ISSN 2673-4834) 
  3. Encyclopedia (ISSN 2673-8392),
  4. Entropy (ISSN 1099-4300)
  5. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (ISSN 2504-4990),
  6. Meteorology (ISSN 2674-0494), and
  7. Fractal and Fractional (ISSN 2504-3110).

Guest Editor: 

Editorial Board Memberships: 

Committee Memberships: 

Session Chairs:

Review Activities

List of Journals Reviewed

1-3 Academia Green Energy Advances in Data Science and Adaptive Analysis Advances in Meteorology
4-6 Agronomy (MDPI) AIMS Mathematics AIMS Public Health
7-9 Animals (MDPI) Annales Geophysicae Applied Sciences (MDPI)
10-12 Atmosphere (MDPI) Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Atmospheric Chemistry and and Physics (ACP)
13-15 Atmospheric Science Letters Atmospheric Sciences (ASJMSRC) Chaos
16-18 Chaos Solitons & Fractals Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery (CNN of Elsevier) Climate Dynamics
19-21 Computation (MDPI) Computers (MDPI) Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 
22-24 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Earth Interactions Earth System Dynamics (EGU)
25-27 Electronics (MDPI) Energies Fractal and Fractional (MDPI)
28-30 Frontiers in Earth Sciences Frontiers in High Performance Computing Future Generation Computer Systems
31-33 Future Internet (MDPI) Geophysical Research Letters (GRL) Geoscientific Model Development
34-36 Geoscience Letters (AOGS) Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics International Journal of of Bifurcation and Chaos (IJBC)
37-39 Information (MDPI) Journal of Advances in in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES) Journal of Atmospheric and and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (JASTP)
40-42 Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics Journal of Climate Journal of Computational Science
43-45 Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR) Journal of Imaging (MDPI)
46-48 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (JAS) Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (JTECH) 
49-51 Letters In Drug Design & Discovery Mathematics (MDPI) Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (MBE)
52-54 Meteorological Applications Meteorology (MDPI) Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 
55-57 Monthly Weather Review (MWR) Nature Communications Nature Geoscience
58-60 Nonlinear Dynamics Physica Scripta PLOS ONE
61-63 Pure and Applied Geophysics (PPAG) Qeios Sensors (MDPI)
64-66 Symmetry (MDPI) The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA) Theoretical and Computational  Fluid Dynamics
67-69 Tellus A Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO) The European Physical Journal Plus (EPJP)
70-72 Weather and Forecasting (WAF) IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Automation (MDPI)